Say Goodbye to Inbox Scrolling Forever! Discover WhatsApp’s New Chat Filters

Are you tired of having to scroll through your entire inbox to find the right conversation on WhatsApp? Don’t worry, WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that will allow you to find your messages faster and easier: Chat Filters. In this article, we’ll explain how Chat Filters work and how they can help you organize and find your most important conversations.

What are Chat Filters?

Chat Filters are a new feature introduced by WhatsApp to simplify message search within the app. When you open WhatsApp, you can select one of the three filters that will appear at the top of your chat list: All, Unread, and Groups. These filters will allow you to view only the conversations that match your preferences, saving you time and effort in searching through the numerous chats in your inbox.

Here’s a brief overview of each filter:


This is the default view that shows all your messages, including read and unread ones. It’s useful if you’re looking for a specific chat and don’t need to filter messages based on their read status.


The Unread filter is perfect when you want to see which conversations you need to catch up on or respond to. This filter will only show messages that have been marked as unread or haven’t been opened yet, allowing you to prioritize your responses.


This is a highly requested feature by WhatsApp users: now all your groups will be organized in one section. Whether it’s a weekly family discussion or planning your next vacation, all your groups will be easily accessible in one place. This filter will also show subgroups within Communities.

Chat Filters will allow you to better organize your conversations and find the most important ones more easily. WhatsApp will continue to develop further filtering options to allow you to focus on what matters most. This feature will be available to all users in the coming weeks.

How to Use Chat Filters

To use Chat Filters on WhatsApp, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the WhatsApp app on your device.
  2. On the main screen, swipe down the chat list to view the filters.
  3. Tap on the desired filter: “All,” “Unread,” or “Groups.”
  4. Only the chats corresponding to the selected filter will be displayed.
  5. To return to the default view, tap the “All” filter.

Benefits of Chat Filters

The introduction of Chat Filters on WhatsApp offers numerous benefits to app users. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Quick search: With Chat Filters, you can quickly find the conversation you’re looking for without having to scroll through your entire inbox.
  • Improved organization: Chat Filters allow you to organize your conversations based on your preferences, making it easier to manage the most important chats.
  • Time-saving: With Chat Filters, you can save time searching for messages, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
  • Response priority: The “Unread” filter helps you identify conversations that require your immediate response, enabling you to be more responsive and timely in your communications.
  • Quick access to groups: With the “Groups” filter, you can quickly access all your groups, making it easier to participate in group discussions and stay updated.

Chat Filters are a very useful feature that will enhance the WhatsApp messaging experience. You no longer have to worry about missing important conversations or having to search for them for a long time. Make the most of this new feature and simplify your messaging experience on WhatsApp.

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